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Sell Your iPhone in Virginia
Sell Your iPhone
It's Done.
We'll Take It.
We understand that sometimes you have to move on. When that time comes and you have to part with your iPhone, we can help.
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Suffolk, Sell Your iPhones, Cell Phones or iPads to Us


Remember Treasure Island? It's the story of pirates and treasure and the swashbuckling adventure by Robert Louis Stevenson. The story may have never happened without the exploits of a resident of Suffolk, VA. A merchant captain named Owen Lloyd, a forgotten resident of Hampton, made his living ferrying cargo from St. Kitts. On a trip to St. Kitts with his brother John their vessel sprang a leak and eventually sank, but luckily they made it to shore. Incredibly they discovered a richly laden and disabled Spanish Galleon. They were hired to tow the ship to safety but Owen and John made a plan with the ship’s captains to sail off with the treasure. They were caught and escaped and sailed off to an island were they split fifty-two chests of Spanish treasure, and one hundred years later Treasure Island was written about returning to that island.


Finding treasure isn’t that hard anymore. At Cellairis we want to give you access to that treasure for something that is just siting around your home collecting dust. We want to buy your old iPhones and iPads. Bring your iPhones, cell phones and iPads and we’ll reward with a bit of our treasure.

array(2) { ["results"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(5) { ["address_components"]=> array(3) { [0]=> array(3) { ["long_name"]=> string(7) "Suffolk" ["short_name"]=> string(7) "Suffolk" ["types"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "locality" [1]=> string(9) "political" } } [1]=> array(3) { ["long_name"]=> string(8) "Virginia" ["short_name"]=> string(2) "VA" ["types"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(27) "administrative_area_level_1" [1]=> string(9) "political" } } [2]=> array(3) { ["long_name"]=> string(13) "United States" ["short_name"]=> string(2) "US" ["types"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "country" [1]=> string(9) "political" } } } ["formatted_address"]=> string(16) "Suffolk, VA, USA" ["geometry"]=> array(4) { ["bounds"]=> array(2) { ["northeast"]=> array(2) { ["lat"]=> float(36.9418909) ["lng"]=> float(-76.3995669) } ["southwest"]=> array(2) { ["lat"]=> float(36.5503439) ["lng"]=> float(-76.9309359) } } ["location"]=> array(2) { ["lat"]=> float(36.7282054) ["lng"]=> float(-76.5835621) } ["location_type"]=> string(11) "APPROXIMATE" ["viewport"]=> array(2) { ["northeast"]=> array(2) { ["lat"]=> float(36.9418909) ["lng"]=> float(-76.3995669) } ["southwest"]=> array(2) { ["lat"]=> float(36.5503439) ["lng"]=> float(-76.9309359) } } } ["place_id"]=> string(27) "ChIJTx1a_QwPsIkRzVASAEShGXc" ["types"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "locality" [1]=> string(9) "political" } } } ["status"]=> string(2) "OK" }
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Same Day Appointments Same Day Repairs

When your phone breaks, you don't want it fixed tomorrow you need it fixed today.

Low Price Guarantee Low Price Guarantee

Repairing beats replacing, and Cellairis beats all other phone repair companies with a guaranteed lowest price and speedy, professional service.

Superior Warranty Superior Warranty

Stronger than any phone case, Cellairis offers the most reliable warranty on the market.

We can fix it almost as fast as you can break it.
We don't do waiting rooms.

We do fast phone repair. In most cases, technicians will be able to repair your device in just minutes, and if it's a phone screen accident you need us to make Un-Happen, we'll normally get your phone in and out in 45 minutes or less.

We Buy Old Phones and Tablets


Don’t think we’re only interested in Apple. We buy old phones and tablets from makers like Samsung as well. At Cellairis we would leave you out of the treasure hint. Bring us those used devices you don’t want anymore and we’ll pop open out treasure chest and share our gold with you.


Cellairis is conveniently located in Walmart and well as malls and shopping centers. We’re close to you in Suffolk, VA Let us buy those old phones and tablets. Use the treasure to plan your next adventure.

" Find Your Cellairis

4.8 stars - based on 6,423 reviews
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