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When your Computer breaks, it hurts. We understand. We can get you and your device up and running in no time, with no hassles.
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Newport News Computer Repair


Ah, the home computer. Still as useful and necessary as ever, maybe even more so with all the advancements and improvements in apps and programs. And, unfortunately, they are just as susceptible to damage as ever, too.

What do you do when the cup of coffee is spilled? The laptop gets stepped on? The screen is broken?

Damage to your home computer can cause massive stress, and trying to find someone who can fix the damage can cause even more stress! 

Cellairis is here to help relieve that stress. Conveniently located near Newport News, we can fix most kinds of damage on all types of computers, both PCs and Macs. One quick phone call is all it takes to get an appointment, or just stop in and we’ll get to work. Whether your computer needs hardware replacement, other parts replacement, software installation and upgrades, or something else-- as the number one computer repair company in the industry, our goal is to keep you technologically in touch!

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Same Day Appointments Same Day Repairs

When your phone breaks, you don't want it fixed tomorrow you need it fixed today.

Low Price Guarantee Low Price Guarantee

Repairing beats replacing, and Cellairis beats all other phone repair companies with a guaranteed lowest price and speedy, professional service.

Superior Warranty Superior Warranty

Stronger than any phone case, Cellairis offers the most reliable warranty on the market.

We can fix it almost as fast as you can break it.
We don't do waiting rooms.

We do fast phone repair. In most cases, technicians will be able to repair your device in just minutes, and if it's a phone screen accident you need us to make Un-Happen, we'll normally get your phone in and out in 45 minutes or less.

PC Repair and Virus Removal


In order for a home computer to continue keeping processes managed, information organized, lives connected and all the myriad of other things one does, it needs to be in good repair and ‘healthy’.

Sometimes, in spite of your best efforts to keep your computer healthy, a virus will find its way into your system causing all sorts of damage. If your computer falls victim to a virus, you’ll want to contact the most highly trained personnel in Newport News to rectify the situation as soon as possible.

Those technicians can be found at the local Cellairis store. Hardware repair and replacement, and data recovery are just a few of our services. If needed, we will completely overhaul the whole system to get your computer back in business. Then we’ll help you find a virus protection that is right for you.

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4.8 stars - based on 6,423 reviews
Areas We Serve
Corporate Repairs
Broken and slow-performing devices can grind productivity down to a halt for big and small companies. Cellairis can get business booming again.
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