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Computer Repair
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When your Computer breaks, it hurts. We understand. We can get you and your device up and running in no time, with no hassles.
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Indianapolis Computer Repair

Computers require essential maintenance in order to continue operating. However, the average user may not have the IT knowledge to keep their computer optimized. Even the unseen dust in your home can build up inside your machine, which will eventually clog up the fan and other essential components.

Cellairis can perform extensive diagnostics, any time that your computer is experiencing problems. Once we know what we’re dealing with, our expert technicians will get down to the task of resolving the problem.

We can replace damaged or worn out parts - using only compatible, high quality components. If the issue has gone beyond simple maintenance or replacement of parts, we will also attempt to recover as much data as possible.

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Same Day Appointments Same Day Repairs

When your phone breaks, you don't want it fixed tomorrow you need it fixed today.

Low Price Guarantee Low Price Guarantee

Repairing beats replacing, and Cellairis beats all other phone repair companies with a guaranteed lowest price and speedy, professional service.

Superior Warranty Superior Warranty

Stronger than any phone case, Cellairis offers the most reliable warranty on the market.

We can fix it almost as fast as you can break it.
We don't do waiting rooms.

We do fast phone repair. In most cases, technicians will be able to repair your device in just minutes, and if it's a phone screen accident you need us to make Un-Happen, we'll normally get your phone in and out in 45 minutes or less.

PC Repair and Virus Removal

Although you may have virus protection on your PC, you are never entirely protected. Some viruses are designed to trick virus protection or embed in system files that cannot be deleted without compromising your operating system. In those cases, not only do you have a nasty virus but your PC is essentially damaged, too. That’s when you need a Cellairis technician to step in and take over.

We can remove viruses from those hard to reach places, without causing your PC to become completely inoperable. However, we won’t send you home without providing additional help and advice on avoiding further infection. The fight against the creators of viruses is a team effort, so don’t be afraid to tag us in when you need an assist.

If the PC is used by children at home, you can also ask our technicians for advice on how to keep kids safe on the web. Children are particularly vulnerable to viruses and online hackers, who hide their viruses and exploits in files that seem otherwise harmless. These exploits are mostly avoidable by following a few simple rules while browsing the internet, on social media or opening emails.

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4.8 stars - based on 6,423 reviews
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Corporate Repairs
Broken and slow-performing devices can grind productivity down to a halt for big and small companies. Cellairis can get business booming again.
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