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Sell Your iPhone in California
Sell Your iPhone
It's Done.
We'll Take It.
We understand that sometimes you have to move on. When that time comes and you have to part with your iPhone, we can help.
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4.8 stars - based on 6,423 reviews

Alameda, Sell Your iPhones, Cell Phones or iPads to Us

Feeling a little behind the times? It might be the fact that your current mobile device is three generations old and they don’t even make a charger compatible with it any longer. Don’t hang onto your old iPhone, cell phone or iPad for posterity’s sake. Bring it to Cellairis and let us take it off your hands for cash through our Buyback program. Our technicians will assess the value or your iPhone, iPad or any other cell phone or tablet and give you the best price for your device. Walk into a Cellairis in the Alameda area with outdated technology and walk out with a pocketful of cold hard cash.

Still not ready to say goodbye to that old device? We won’t judge. Let our technicians provide a free consultation, and see what we can do to get your old trusty iPhone, cell phone or iPad working like it’s brand new again. Our repairs are fast, and in most cases, done onsite. Be sure to check out our supply of cases and accessories to give your good old friends an updated look.

Find Cellairis located near your favorite Alameda area shopping center.

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Same Day Appointments Same Day Repairs

When your phone breaks, you don't want it fixed tomorrow you need it fixed today.

Low Price Guarantee Low Price Guarantee

Repairing beats replacing, and Cellairis beats all other phone repair companies with a guaranteed lowest price and speedy, professional service.

Superior Warranty Superior Warranty

Stronger than any phone case, Cellairis offers the most reliable warranty on the market.

We can fix it almost as fast as you can break it.
We don't do waiting rooms.

We do fast phone repair. In most cases, technicians will be able to repair your device in just minutes, and if it's a phone screen accident you need us to make Un-Happen, we'll normally get your phone in and out in 45 minutes or less.

We Buy Old Phones and Tablets

It’s time. Your old phone or tablet has been collecting dust long enough. Don’t let your old technology turn into a really expensive paperweight. Bring your phone or tablet by Cellairis in the Alameda area and let us take it off your hands in exchange for cash through our Buyback program. Our technicians will assess the value for your device and trade you for a fair amount of cash. You don’t ever have to worry about your old device ending up on an island of discarded technology scrap. Cellairis will reuse as many parts as possible, and what we don’t use, we’ll recycle. Instead of hanging onto a little rectangle of a gold mine, trade it for cash to put toward a new, current, device. Find Cellairis located in a Walmart or your favorite area shopping center near or in Alameda.

Find Your Cellairis

4.8 stars - based on 6,423 reviews
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Broken and slow-performing devices can grind productivity down to a halt for big and small companies. Cellairis can get business booming again.
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